

Cold smoking is a process of smoking meat for a long period of time at a very low temperature, usually anywhere from 40 degrees F to 100 degrees F. At such a low heat threshold, the meat — in this case, bacon — doesn’t cook. Instead, it picks up a deep, smoky flavor.

Selecting Woodchips

Choosing the type of woodchips you want to use is often your first order of business. As with herbs and spices, each type of woodchip offers its own distinct flavor. For sweeter or tangier tasting bacon, use apple, cherry or maple chips. If you want an earthier or heartier flavor, try oak or hickory. Better yet, mix a couple types of chips together to create your own zesty creation.

Soaking Woodchips

No matter what type of chips you choose to use, soak the woodchips for about half an hour before use. The moisture helps to kick out more smoke than dry chips. If you don’t have woodchips on hand, you can use hardwood sawdust. But presoak the sawdust as you would the woodchips.


If your budget allows, you can cold smoke bacon — or any other meat, for that matter — in a smoker. These devices take the guesswork out of smoking, keeping the temperature and smoke at a constant level. For more frugal folks, you can use a standard grill. In this case, you need to prep the grill before smoking. First, light a few charcoal briquettes and get them hot. Remember, you’re not cooking the meat, so you want to keep the heat low. From there, sprinkle a cup or two of presoaked woodchips atop the briquettes once they’re glowing. Place the bacon on the grate and cover.


For bacon, you usually smoke it at about 80 to 100 degrees F. Any higher and the surface layer of the meat seals, defeating the purpose of smoking. Smoke for 4 to 8 hours, checking the smoker or grill every hour or so to ensure the chips are still kicking out a good amount of smoke.


Slice and refrigerate the bacon after it's been smoked. Since you didn’t cook the bacon during the smoking process, prepare as you would normally prepare bacon — frying on the stovetop until done.

